Bottom left: The back of my head last weekend. |
Leavers worry me. Not all leavers, some are moderate, but I suspect I seldom hear from moderates. The leavers I hear from most often are more committed. From my perspective, out on the street and from what I see online, they have a level of aggression that makes me very uncomfortable - even, on occasion fearing for my wellbeing. I am concerned that too many see physical retaliation as a valid part of the process.
No noose is good noose |
This is what I see as the difference between Leavers and Remainers. I have never met a truly aggressive Remainer. Sure we shout and jeer, we take the piss out of Leavers and cry 'Bollocks to Brexit', but it is directed at Parliament, politicians and high profile Brexiteers, I have never seen it directed at ordinary Leavers.
I am sure the reason for this Ying-Yang divide is that Leavers and Remainers are driven by opposing forces. Leavers appear driven by their dislike of the EU. They talk in terms of distrust of Brussels, unelected bureaucrats, and position poor foreigners looking for work in the UK as a threat. Their motivation is driven by dislike, their fuel is negative.
The Remainers I have met are driven by a liking of the benefits of membership, we like the idea of feeling of being Europeans, and generally have a humanitarian outlook. Our fuel is positive.
I fear for our country if the Leave mentality becomes the norm. Regardless of the outcome, we must strive to remain a civilised country where hate and prejudice are not tolerated, a country and people driven by the positive, not the negative.
If Brexit is overturned Remainers must be gracious victors. I wish I had some indication of the same aspiration coming from the Leavers - I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received...
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